As part of a larger brand strategy project we rebranded a number of small coffee brands that had specific cultural touchstones in mind to give European diaspora in Australia a taste of home.
CLIENT: Giuseppe Brothers
AGENCY: Orange Line
ROLE: Designer
See Giuseppe Brothers for full project. This was a small rebrand project as part of a much larger brand strategy project. The target market for the Caffè Moda brand was particular types of European diaspora in Australia, particularly those with a penchant for Italian style coffee. The original brand looked dated with a clip-art style that didn't speak to the target audience at all.
The original logo (below) had somewhat of a clipart feel - along with generic iconography not presented in any particular style or with any particular connotations. The unconventional use of the fonts in combination with this gave the logo an awkward aspect.
The target audience are European diaspora living in Australia, looking for coffee that looked / tasted like he Italian style coffee they were used to from back home, in additon to a broader Australian audience of coffee drinkers who were also fans of the Italian style coffee. It was important not to be too specific or exclusive in cultural iconography as there is a wide overlap in European coffee cultures stretching from east to west. For the logo and typography we took inspiration from classic and mid century Italian food and drink branding and packaging and combined with typography, colour and imagery with a more Italian feel.
Logo before and after